Drum Gear Review
This review about Tama Gong Bass Drum product. The Tama brand has known for high quality manufacture of drum gear and drum set. Review below include features, specification, price, and picture for one of Tama drum gear products "Tama Gong Bass Drum" may you need to know before visiting your dealer.
See details Drum gear Information below:
Gong Bass Drum Details:
An early TAMA original, the Gong Bass Drum features a 22" head on a 20" shell with no bottom head. This design produces a sound with excellent sustain that's close in character to a concert tympani.
The Gong Bass Drum utilizes 8mm thick Starclassic Bubinga & 7mm thick Maple shell (Available with Chrome shell hardware only).
The aluminum stable stand in silver finish offers easy yet secure position thanks to another TAMA original idea: Power Tower stand components.
- BG20R : 14"x20" Starclassic Bubinga Gong Bass (Laqucer finishes)
- BXG20R : 14"x20" Starclassic Bubinga Gong Bass (Duracover Wrap)
- HGS800 : Gong Bass Stand
- Gong Bass Drums are available in all the Starclassic Bubinga ELITE (Lacquer&EFX) finishes.
- NGC, QMOB finishes will feature a fade rather than a burst.
Price of Model Call 514 633 8877 (Canada Only) or visit Tama Official, Select your nearest Dealer
Gong Bass Drum Details:
An early TAMA original, the Gong Bass Drum features a 22" head on a 20" shell with no bottom head. This design produces a sound with excellent sustain that's close in character to a concert tympani.
The Gong Bass Drum utilizes 8mm thick Starclassic Bubinga & 7mm thick Maple shell (Available with Chrome shell hardware only).
The aluminum stable stand in silver finish offers easy yet secure position thanks to another TAMA original idea: Power Tower stand components.
- BG20R : 14"x20" Starclassic Bubinga Gong Bass (Laqucer finishes)
- BXG20R : 14"x20" Starclassic Bubinga Gong Bass (Duracover Wrap)
- HGS800 : Gong Bass Stand
- Gong Bass Drums are available in all the Starclassic Bubinga ELITE (Lacquer&EFX) finishes.
- NGC, QMOB finishes will feature a fade rather than a burst.
Price of Model Call 514 633 8877 (Canada Only) or visit Tama Official, Select your nearest Dealer
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